A(rr)ianna's Journal
"Hey its's Arianna! Not sure how you got a hold of my journal, but please return if found!" Experience first hand the challenges Arianna faces as a CSUN student and how she journeys to become a top illustrator in Los Angeles. Her Mexican-American heritage is a big part of her identity and plans to illustrate her culture through art. Her quirky and funny entries will have your stomaching hurting and eyes tearing. Oh, did we mention you might learn some sign language too, keep an eye out for those notes!
Project Description
This project was to design a book cover that featured points of someones life or personality that best describes who they are. We did so by choosing a classmate and asking them questions about their childhood, things they like to do, interesting facts about them, school, work, etc. My main focus is Arianna’s language, her likings, nationality, her fun yet conservative personality and favorite colors. I wanted to use red and green to express her Mexican American heritage, but decided to use shades of blue and pink as she felt that her Mexican background did not completely identify with her. It is common in Mexican culture to use patterns, but I tried to steer away from using “cliche” designs of Mexican culture. I went with sneakers for the pattern due to her enjoyment of buying new pairs of sneakers whenever she can. I went with a minimal and clean design due to her own life style. She is very organized, neat and as far as design, likes minimalistic styles. Due to her speaking Spanish sign language with her family I decided to name her book her own name, but with the first letter “A” in an illustrated hand sign of the letter followed by the “(rr)” to stressed the Spanish pronunciation. Please see below my art process and my final design. 
Notes on questions asked and main topic points that were to be used for design.
Notes on questions asked and main topic points that were to be used for design.
Digital drawing of idea for cover design.
Digital drawing of idea for cover design.